What Are The Types Of Video Editing | Learn Different Techniques

Video editing is the process of manipulating or rearranging video clips to create a finished video. If you’re a novice at the types of video editing and have ever tried to do it yourself, you will find that it is not as easy as it looks. There is a tremendous amount of work involved even in editing a small video that is, say, 3-4 minutes long.


As a video editor, it is important for you to have your own the appropriate resources and environment to ensure that you stay creative at all times. For example, owning the proper desk for video editing is an excellent investment as it offers you with sufficient space for working on your computer. Similarly other resources like quality headphones, comfortable chairs, big screen video editing monitors are also necessary to improve your productivity. 

When it comes to video editing, you have to use premium software like Adobe Premiere. Why because this software offers a lot more video effects and features to produce quality videos. For example, adding slow-motion in Premiere and a lot more like Motion Graphics and VR Editing can be quickly done with this software.

There are different ways of editing footage, and each style is unique and useful, depending on the kind of finished video that you want. Whatever your work is, make sure you have the proper set up and comfortable environment. So, let us take a look at different types of video editing techniques:


1) Linear Video Editing

Linear video editing involves selecting, arranging and modifying images and sound in a pre-determined, ordered sequence – from start to finish.

For example, say Tape A has five scenes of 3 minutes each, and you need only three of them – X, Y and Z – in the order YXZ. So, you bring another tape and copy those three scenes from Tape A in the order – Y, X, Z. The result will be a tape created linearly. 


  • Simple and inexpensive.
  • Fewer complications are involved.
  • Increases your knowledge base and versatility.


  • The clips to be copied to the master tape must be of the same length.
  • Overdubbing causes image quality to degrade.

2) Non-Linear Video Editing

Try and explore what all the software has to offer and try to test each tool and effect. Learn the shortcuts for cutting, moving and stretching clips in the timeline, applying special effects and adjusting color.


  • It allows you to access any frame, scene or groups of scenes at a time.
  • The original footage is intact when you are editing, so you can return to the original footage as required.
  • You can change or edit a scene any number of times without having to start over.


  • Very expensive. A basic non-linear video editing package can come in between $5,000 and $10,000.

3) Offline Editing

Offline editing involves copying the raw video footage and compressing it to a smaller resolution. This small resolution footage is called as proxy footage. You then work on the proxy footage, editing scenes, adding or deleting scenes and so on.

When you are finished with the editing process, you export the project and allow the original raw video footage to replace the proxy footage. This technique is useful when the editor doesn’t have a machine that is capable enough to edit video clips in raw format.


  • Proxy files are smaller in size. Hence, editing is simple and faster.
  • Proxy files occupy less space on your computer.
  • Proxy files also consume low energy from your laptop.


  • Time-consuming process.
  • The video quality during the editing process will be reduced. So, any effects that you add may not be properly visible.

4) Online Editing

Online editing does not require proxy footage to be created. It involves working directly with the raw footage for editing, adding or deleting scenes, etc. It is usually done on powerful machines that have fast processors and higher RAM.


  • Speedy process.
  • Quality of the footage while editing is maintained.


  • High-performance computers or laptops are required.
  • More energy consumed from the laptop.

5) Assemble Editing

Assemble editing is the process of compiling a series of video clips without any transitions between them. These clips are simply put together without adding any visual improvements.


  • A quick and easy way of creating a rough draft of the final video.
  • Speedy process.


  • Not suitable for producing the final, finished video; it can only provide a rough idea of the sequence of the scenes.

6) Insert Editing

Insert editing is done by adding new video clips to an existing video clip. It is an improvement compared to assemble editing because it provides a more polished video.


  • The original audio track is maintained.
  • Does not affect the duration of any other clips on the timeline.


  • Not all video machines can do video inserts; available only in professional or semi-professional machines.
  • Must be necessarily done over the top of pre-recorded footage; otherwise, the picture will be unstable.

7) Live Editing

Live editing is done during live video coverage, for example, news channels or interviews. It implies using multiple video sources and cameras routed together in a single console that is displayed live on television.

This type of editing is most commonly used in live news coverage and sports channels, where the editor needs to switch between different locations and settings frequently.


  • Profitable and a less costly solution.
  • Increase the quality of viewing.
  • Attract more viewers.


  • The video is unpredictable; anything can go wrong at any point in time.
  • Video can be of low quality.


These are some of the different types of video editing that are commonly used when editing video clips. There are numerous other types of video editing, but I have only listed these since they are the most widely used types.

Hopefully, you have gained some insight and knowledge about video editing. As you expand your knowledge, you’ll understand that video editing is a logical and straightforward process. Cheers!!


I'm Xavier. I am a professional writer and blogger. It all started when I fell in love with my camera, which was presented to me when I was ten as a birthday gift. Since then, I wanted to become a cinematographer and also succeeded in that. So I am here researching and reviewing the filmmaking gadgets and giving out my top gadgets from the market.I hope you find my review articles interesting and helpful.

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