How To Clean A Fog Machine (Step-By-Step Cleaning Guide)


Yes! It's that spooky time of the year again. Another year of a lot of spooky costumes, the spooky tree, the spooky smoke all around you, and a lot of fun. When I am at it, I am sure without the smoke none of these seems spooky. So in a way, a fog machine that gives you that kind of artificial smoke is an inevitable part of your celebrations. If you don't have one, then choose an eco-friendly fog machine to create the spooky feel in your parties.

how to clean a fog machine

Although it is easy and fun to use, there is a but. If you want the machine to work as you want to all the time, then you have to how to clean a fog machine. You have to clean them now and then as required. This is surely not a fun part.

Also what makes it a lot more tiresome is the fact that when I say cleaning the fog machine, I don't mean the usual cleaning by wiping the body of the device with a cloth or dusting it out completely. The fog machine needs a complete and elaborate process of cleaning to make it work as it is supposed to anytime. So what is this elaborate process and how go carry it out? Keep reading to know more about it.

Why cleaning a fog machine is important?

Before knowing the steps that you should take to clean your fog machine, there are a few things that you should definitely know to clean your fog machines effectively. Out of those things, the most important one is the realization of the need for it. Why do we really need to clean the fog machines?

how to clean a fog machine

To know exactly why we should regularly clean your fog machines, let us first analyze what might happen if you do not clean your fog machines regularly. Basically, what happens is that your fog machines stop working as expected. It can be in any way, the fog machines might not produce the expected amount of smoke. The fog liquid might end up sooner than expected.

You just see that your output and efficiency is lowered by a huge percentage when you keep using your fog machine without cleaning it. The efficiency keeps decreasing until your fog machines stop working completely. So ultimately, you lose all the fun with the smoke from the machine. This is exactly why you should clean your fog machines regularly.

When to clean your fog machines?

Another thing that should be taken care of before knowing how to clean your fog machine is when to clean it. Just as the saying goes, "Anything in excess in life, is poison." Thus not knowing when to clean your fog machine and cleaning it excessively can also lead to other problems being caused to your machines. That is why knowing when to clean your fog machines is important.

how to clean a fog machine

Usually, you should consider cleaning your fog machines after every 80 hours of usage. It can be a bit more or less but make sure you don't use it too much more than 80 hours. More your fog machines run without being cleaned, the more they are exposed to the risk of getting some actual damage on the nozzle area due to overheating.

Also if you have stored your fog machines in your basements for too long then, check them and try to make them work with a new set of fog liquid, and if it doesn't work then you might need to clean your machines before using it further.

How to clean your fog machines?

As mentioned earlier in the article, the cleaning process is to be done in several steps thus making sure that every part of the fog machine is unclogged and cleaned completely. Although you might have to follow several steps, this doesn't mean the process is so difficult. Just follow the instruction and you will not make any mistakes.

STEP 1: Find somewhere suitable

Please make sure you are aware of where you are cleaning your fog machine. Especially if you have kids at your home, letting them inhale the scent from the strong scented cleaning solution is not advisable. They do not actually have any harmful effects but is not advisable.

So try to move your fog machines outdoor, or to any open space available before you are ready to clean them.

Note: Also, if you are a person suffering from any of the lung or respiratory diseases, it is advised to use a mask or anything that prevents you from inhaling the scent of the cleaning solution. It  is a precaution effect.

STEP 2: Cleaning the tank

As you know the tank is the life source of your fog machine. It is exactly at this place that the process for the formation of your fog starts. In the tank, your fog liquid or specifically glycol and water mixture is stored. So cleaning the tank is an important task in the whole cleaning process.

  • Remove the tank from the unit of your fog machine.
  • Pour out the fog liquid in the tank and make sure it is completely empty.
  • Shake the tank a few times and leave it upside down for a few minutes so that any traces of fog liquid that sticks in the tank is completely drained.

Note: You don't have to rinse out the traces, this is done by the cleaning liquid soon.

STEP 3: Preparing your cleaning solution

Although you can easily buy a cleaning solution from any store or online, why waste money when you can make your DIY cleaning mixture. You are supposed to use distilled water and vinegar for this.


Distilled water is important because using any other water that has minerals or chemicals in them can clog it further. Now mix both these liquids in equal parts. And your DIY cleaning solution is ready.

STEP 4: Use the cleaning solution

Now that you are done making the cleaning solution, put the tank back into the fog machine. And pour the cleaning solution into the tank. You will need to fill it up to the brim without letting the liquid overflow.

After you have filled it with your cleaning solution, let your fog machine run and drain out the solution.

STEP 5: The final clean

Once you have drained out the cleaning solution out of your fog machine you are supposed to do another step of the cleaning process. Pour only distilled water in the tank and let the machine run until the distilled water is drained out.


This will make sure that you have made the tank completely free of any liquid. Now the final clean is done, let the tank air dry for a few hours.

STEP 6: What about the other parts?

The other parts, especially the physical ones deserve equal attention as well. Wipe the exteriors of the fog machine with a dry cloth and try cleaning inaccessible spots with a toothbrush. The heating apparatus is not available in your access and thus you don't have to worry about it.

Although you need to make sure that the nozzle is free of any earlier clogged remains using a needle or a safety pin.

STEP 7: Testing

Although you may find this as a not so necessary step in the cleaning process, it is really important. You need to make sure that your fog juice goes and works right in your fog machine. If you don't test it before putting it back in your attic, it can cause a lot more serious problems.

how to clean a fog machine

So pour in your fog juice and test your fog machine out. Also, make sure to drain out the fog juice poured in for testing before putting the machine in storage.


That's how you clean your fog machine. We all know for sure that this is not as fun as using the fog machine, but this part of cleaning your fog machine when needed is an inevitable part that comes with all the fun of using it. Is cleaning your fog machine often better or buying a new one often when your old one stops working better? Hope you have your answer already!


Hey, this is Stefan. I love filmmaking gadgets because I have been working as a cinematographer for more than ten years. So I have good experience working with almost all filmmaking gadgets. I can help people who are looking forward to buying these gadgets with my review articles. From my articles, you can find amazing products in the market.

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