How Does A Fog Machine Work [User Guide]


Ever been to parties, especially the Halloween ones? Ever Noticed those spooky pumpkins and the crooked trees? But there is something that is still missing that adds to the spooky effect. Isn't it? Yes! That's right, the smoke!

how does a fog machine work

How can something be spooky enough without a bit of smoke? You might have seen white smoke linger around, creating a spooky effect. Not just at a Halloween party, at a lot of music concerts, dance clubs, dramas, and films you might have noticed how people put on a little smoke to enhance the mood. How do they make this smoke? Aren't you curious to know about it? Keep reading to know the how does a fog machine work.

The fog machine

Have you ever heard about a device called the fog machine? If not, then you need to know about this device if you have to create those thick clouds of smoke that you see everywhere.

how does a fog machine work

But before knowing any more, are they just used as smoke producers to enhance a drama's feel? Or is there anything else they can do? Of course, there is! These foggers are now being used to spray disinfectants! And that's something that you could all make use of during these tough times.

To know how these machines produce fog you need to know the components of the machine first. The machine consists of :

  • A jug that holds the raw material or fluid that will be later turned into fog.
  • A pump that sucks the raw material or fluid from the jug to the rest of the machine.
  • The most important part of the machine is the heating core. This is the core part that produces smoke from the machine.
  • The brain card or the motherboard that controls the system and makes it work internally.

Although this is the system in every fog machine, there are 2 prevalent and widely used ways in which fog machines work. Also, there are two different kinds of fog machines based on the raw materials used and the ways they are used. They are :

  • Dry ice-based fog machines.
  • Fluid based fog machines.

Let us now try to understand completely how both of these fog machines work.

Dry ice fog machine

These fog machines just as their name suggests works by using dry ice and produce the fog that is needed by using the dry ice. If you are a chemistry student you must know what dry ice is. It is solid carbon dioxide, and the fog produced using this also contains a significant amount of carbon dioxide.

how does a fog machine work

Although carbon dioxide is not environmentally friendly with us, the traditional dry ice fog machine produces a magical smoke effect that sticks to the ground rather than spreading around the room. This makes it aesthetically a better one than the latter.

how does a DRY ICE fog machine work

Typically used in dramas or movie sets, the dry ice fog machines usually consist of a large barrel with a water heating system. A vent or hose to deliver the fog outside the barrel. Then comes the most important part of the setup, the dry ice, and a system that can raise or lower the barrel's dry ice. This is how dry ice fog machines looks on the inside.

How to use it?
  • The water heating setup is switched on to make the water stored in the barell warm.
  • The dry ice is lowered into the barrel to come in contact with the warm water.
  • Now comes the science part! When the dry ice is lowered into the barrel where it undergoes sublimation to produce cold carbon dioxide gas, after condensation results in fog formation.
  • Thus, the fog will be low lying as the fog is composed of cool carbon dioxide gas and is completely non-toxic.
  • The only issue that might bother users is that the fog does not stay long as it may evaporate out soon and it also uses up a lot of dry ice which might make it difficult to create, despite the magical effect the fog creates around us.

Fluid based fog machine

The fluid-based fog machines are the latest fog machines that work with the latest technologies available. These fluid-based fog machines can be a lot more helpful as the fog can stay longer than the ones created by dry ice fog machines. Almost everything about the fog that is created by the machine is different including the composition of chemicals in the smoke.

how does a fog machine work

So what is used in this kind of fog machine? It can be a bit difficult to guess if you are not that good with chemicals and chemistry. It uses a chemical compound called glycerin or glycerol widely. However, there have been variations and innovations that use other compounds that are feasible and less harmful.

In this mechanism, the fluid is replaced with disinfectant liquids like chlorine so that you can fog any space you want and make the space clear of any germs.

how does a FLUID BASED fog machine work

Although there have been a lot of innovations and variations in the case of these fluid-based foggers, the basic model and arrangement are almost the same. It consists of a fluid reservoir, a pump that allows movement of the fluid inside the machinery, a heat exchanger that is the most prime part of the machine, and a nozzle that lets the fog out of the fogger.

With this setup inside the fluid based fogging machine that is totally different from the traditional dry ice fogging machine and its setup, you might wonder how does a fog machine work? Here is the answer to that question!

How to use it?
  • Inside the machine, there is a chemical compound called glycol in the fluid reservoir. Sometimes a mixture of water and glycol is used in the fluid reservoir.
  • This fluid is pushed using the pumping mechanism in the fogger into the heat exchanger. In the heat exchanger, the mixture of glycol and water is heated to produce a vapor.
  • This vapor that is constantly expanding due to the heat is forced out of the nozzle when needed. This vapor mixture comes in contact with the cooler air outside to form the fog that you need.

This is exactly how the new fogging machines work to produce the fog ad required. They are a lot easier to use and can produce fog that can linger around for a longer time than the fog that is produced using a dry ice fogging machine. There are many options, but choose a fog machine which is less harmful, but the basic idea and working are still the same!


Although we all might have seen fogging machines at many places, but we are not completely familiar with the mechanism it used or how it works. So hope this how does a fog machine work article was clear enough to enlighten you on this and provide you a clear idea about the working of a fogging machine.

Even if you are not into the entertainment business you can still get your own fogging machine with a disinfectant filled so that you people can steer clear of any germs that can come in your way!


Hey, this is Stefan. I love filmmaking gadgets because I have been working as a cinematographer for more than ten years. So I have good experience working with almost all filmmaking gadgets. I can help people who are looking forward to buying these gadgets with my review articles. From my articles, you can find amazing products in the market.

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