Haze Vs Fog Machine | Which One Is Best


Have you observed smoke effect in different party? You might find that the smoke in the Halloween party was a bit thick and you wouldn't have been able to see through it, whereas the one you saw at the normal party is more of a see-through it kind of smoke. You look through the smoke and can see that this kind of smoke really emphasizes the light and its effects. 

haze vs fog machine

So how are these smokes made to be different from each other? Again the answer is so simple! They are made from two different machines. When I say different machines, I mean they are two altogether different ones! The spooky smoke is definitely from a fog machine while the one you saw at the concert or party is from a machine called a "Hazer".

Have you ever heard of a hazer? Aren't you interested to know how is it different from the regularly used fog machines? Keep reading this haze vs fog machine article to know everything you wish to know in detail and with a complete explanation!

What is a fog machine?

A fog machine is a simple machine that uses a heating mechanism on a glycol water mixture to produce thick white smoke out of its nozzle. The major parts that you could see in your fog machine are a nozzle to let out the output smoke.

fog machine

And a heating apparatus that vaporized the fog liquid that will be stored in the tank of your fog machine. The fog machine appears to be a black box with all these apparatus set inside the box. You will have access to only the tank of your fog machine where the glycol water mixture, which is also called the fog liquid is stored.

You have this access granted for a reason. You are required to clean your fog machine and the tank every now and then (accurately saying every 80 hours of usage), so that you can ensure that your fog machine runs with at most efficiency possible.

How does the fog machine work?

Every fog machine works similarly. You have a motherboard that is going to instruct your system to start working. The tank consists of your fog liquid, which is nothing but a mixture of glycol and water. Once the heating mechanism is up and running the contents of the tank is heated up and is pushed out by a piston like pressure controlled mechanism. Now the nozzle just lets out the smoke from its tip.

The thickness of the smoke thus produced can be varied by controlling the  'on' time of the machine. Although the thickness can be controlled the smoke will still be heavier in appearance and rises as it disperses. It's great to have a fog machine in your party to create smoke, so go get your new fog machine!

What is a hazer?

Now that you know about the fog machine, what it consists of, and how it works. Understanding about a hazer might be a lot more easier. A hazer is in a way very similar to a fog machine, but also in a way they are totally different. Does it sound confusing? Of course, it does and that's exactly how we have been confusing between a fog machine and hazer all these years.

haze machine

A hazer is a variation of the fog machine that has certain characteristics of the fog machine but still is a lot more different from that of the fog machine. The composition, working, and everything else about a hazer is different from that of the fog machine.

Haze Vs Fog Machine

For instance, the hazer uses an oil-based glycol mixture as the hazer fluid and not the fog liquid to produce smoke. As you know the usual fog machines use a glycol and water mixture as fog fluid. However, using an oil-based hazer fluid has its own advantages over the traditional fog machine.

Secondly, the fog machines use a heating apparatus to heat out the fog fluid in the tank and vaporize it as the fog that we need. However, hazers do not use a heating apparatus and instead uses pressure variables in the hazer environment to produce the smoke we need. That is a compressor is used inside the hazer, instead of the usual heating apparatus in the fog machines.

The next different feature that a hazer possess when compared to a fog machine is the type of output it produces. When you consider the smoke that comes out of the nozzle of the fog machine, the smoke is a lot more thicker in appearance but ends up dissipating faster.

Whereas the smoke from the hazer is lighter and is kind of a see-through smoke but it stays for a longer time. Also, fog machines use way too much of the fog fluid to create smoke that doesn't stay too long but the hazers in the other hand produces smoke using only a small amount of fluid.

Now that you know about both the fog machine and the hazer, it is your chance to make a comparison between both. Although both of them have considerable and notable advantages and disadvantages over each other, it is not possible to make an actual comparison and choose one among them. Each produces a different kind of output and thus it is actually a question of where their usage would be apt.

So let us find out where exactly we should use the fog machine and the hazer.

Where can we use a fog machine?

A fog machine as mentioned above produces a thicker smoke effect. The smoke is most suitable in theatres and dramas. They are usually used at Halloween parties and homes for the spooky effect during Halloween because they are easier to use and are cheaper.

haze vs fog machine
Where can we use a hazer?

They are used in events where you need smoke, but not the kind of smoke that blinds your view rather provides an amazing effect to the lighting you see. It is commonly seen in award ceremonies or some concerts. They are not so common because they are costly and are a bit difficult to use than the usual fog machines.

haze vs fog machine


Now I conclude this haze vs fog machine article and you know when and where to use them, all you have to do is get one according to your needs so that your needs are served well. Hope you find the information relevant and helpful to solve the confusion you had in your head. Now, what are you waiting for? Go get the one you need and enjoy your parties as they should be!!


Hey, this is Stefan. I love filmmaking gadgets because I have been working as a cinematographer for more than ten years. So I have good experience working with almost all filmmaking gadgets. I can help people who are looking forward to buying these gadgets with my review articles. From my articles, you can find amazing products in the market.

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